Have you ever had your credit score drop unexpectedly? Shocked by rejection of a credit application? These situations signal the possibility that your credit rating fell because someone made unauthorized hard credit pulls from your reports at the three consumer credit...
Dynamic Guidance And Advocacy Throughout Northern Virginia
Credit Reporting
Credit-report correction: What does credit protection really mean?
You may hear credit firms advertising their “credit protection” services, but it is a misnomer to say that they protect consumer credit in a preventative way. While there are smart choices that YOU can make about your own behavior in the marketplace, a credit firm is...
Did your credit take a hit from credit-report errors? Fight back.
Most consumers expect to use credit for major purchases and needs. Common types of consumer credit include home mortgages, student loans, vehicle loans, home improvement loans, lines of credit and credit cards. People are careful to build good credit ratings through...
Mismerged credit reports can lead to unjust consumer credit denials
Many Virginians faced serious economic losses during the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by another financial challenge from household budget-busting inflation. For some whose credit scores also took a hit, it may have taken months of careful money management to rebuild...
Identity theft ruin your good credit? Fight to correct your score.
Did someone steal your identity and use it to spend your money, use your good credit to open fraudulent accounts or take out loans in your name? The ways an identity thief can exploit your personal identifying information are endless. You may be surprised at the...